SCC responds to calling of 2024 General Election

UK General Election announced for July 4th
Support for start-up businesses

SCC responds to calling of 2024 General Election

SCC responds to calling of 2024 General Election

Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“Scottish businesses will be listening carefully to how each political party proposes to support economic growth, by creating jobs whilst investing in growth and our people.

“Whoever forms the next UK Government will need to partner with business to deliver what we need. Business needs confidence, investment, and stability.

“We are still attempting to absorb continued rising costs of running our businesses, coupled with major labour supply challenges. This means that many are unable to drive forward the level of growth and innovation that the economy sorely needs.

“Firms will be looking for measures to foster investment, ease our costs, ensure a fair transition to Net Zero, and make Scotland an attractive place to live and work.

“We look forward to outlining the priorities of Scottish businesses on these issues in the coming weeks and expect all political parties to reflect the importance of the economy in their pitch to us.”

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