UK General Election – Update

Public Consultation Event
Scottish firms lead as business confidence climbs to decade high – Bank of Scotland

UK General Election – Update

Conservatives plan cap on migrant visas


The number of visas available to migrants would be reduced each year under a new Conservative government, the prime minister has promised.

For the first time, MPs would get a vote on annual government proposals aimed at regularly reducing numbers, which would be based on recommendations from the expert Migration Advisory Committee (MAC).

Although no figures were suggested for a possible cap, Rishi Sunak said his was the only party willing to take "bold action to reduce immigration" if elected on 4 July.

Labour's Yvette Cooper, shadow home secretary, pointed to net migration trebling and accused the Tories of "rehashing failed announcements".

The announcement came as Nigel Farage announced he was returning to lead the Reform Party, with its focus on reducing immigration, which has heaped further pressure on Mr Sunak.

Some Conservatives have been unhappy at immigration levels, with control over the UK's borders and reducing immigration figures seen as a key battleground between Labour and the Tories this election.

With a head-to-head debate due on Tuesday where Mr Sunak will face off with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, the PM is trying to draw a dividing line, with this new policy forming a central plank of his manifesto.

Mr Sunak said putting the decision in the hands of MPs would give voters confidence their views would be respected and reflected.


Reeves vows Labour will bring 'good jobs' to Scotland


A Labour government will bring "good jobs" to Scotland, reduce energy bills and improve energy security, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has vowed.

During a visit to Edinburgh, Ms Reeves said her party's industrial strategy, a national wealth fund and a Scotland-headquartered energy body would help make the UK a "global leader" in "industries of the future".

It came after she told an audience of financial services leaders Labour would "unleash Scotland's economic firepower".

The SNP have said Labour would continue with austerity policies if they win the general election, while the Scottish Conservatives said the UK government had already helped household finances with tax cuts.

The shadow chancellor ruled out hikes in income tax, National Insurance and VAT to give "certainty" to taxpayers.

And Ms Reeves said the party would invest alongside business in "huge opportunities" such as floating offshore wind, carbon capture and storage and green hydrogen".


Policy Roundup


SCC has compiled a summary of the policies which are known so far, which have been trailed before the election was announced and shared since it was announced.


You access this summary by clicking the button link below.

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