HM The Queen Praises Inverclyde Chamber’s Contribution

ICC Submission To Advisory Group On Economic Recovery
Business Round-Up – 22 June 2020

HM The Queen Praises Inverclyde Chamber’s Contribution

HM The Queen Visits Inverclyde in 2012

Her Majesty The Queen has offered her support to businesses as they reopen, and praised the contribution of Inverclyde Chamber and the wider Chambers of Commerce network across Scotland, the UK and around the world for its help to support firms, champion trade and rebuild communities.

In a letter released today, Her Majesty the Queen, said:

“As many organisations around the country are reopening, I send my warmest best wishes and support to business communities throughout the UK.

“It gives me great pride to see the contribution you and your members are making to help firms, champion trade and rebuild communities.”

Welcoming the letter, Tim Allan, President, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“The Queen’s personal message of support recognises the critical role Chambers of Commerce are playing across Scotland, the UK and the world to support business communities through this pandemic.

As we look to the future to restart and rebuild our economy and our communities, The Queen’s message will boost the morale and spirit of our members to capture the opportunities that lie ahead.”

Gavin McDonagh, Inverclyde Chamber President said:

“This letter is a welcome boost to the Inverclyde Chamber members, staff and Board who have all pulled together fantastically throughout the past three months to support one another.

“ICC continues to champion and represent the views of the Inverclyde business community at both a local and national level, and we are delighted to share this message with our wider membership.”

You can read the full letter here.

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