ICC Virtual Roundtable with Jamie Hepburn MSP – 29th July at 1pm

Business Round-Up – 20 July 2020
Business Round-Up – 27 July 2020

ICC Virtual Roundtable with Jamie Hepburn MSP – 29th July at 1pm

Members are invited to join Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce (ICC) at a Virtual Roundtable with Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills, online via ZOOM on Wednesday 29th July at 1pm.

This is an opportunity for local businesses to hear an update from the Minister but more importantly to share their own first hand experiences and thoughts/ideas or comments on moving forward to ensure the sustainable recovery of the economy.

The 45 minute zoom call will be chaired by ICC’s Jr Vice President Andrew Bowman and will include an update from the Minister as well as room for discussion and Q&A from attendees.

Spaces are limited to ensure a fruitful discussion and are on a first come basis with ICC members being prioritised. Booking will close at 12pm on Monday 27th July.

You can book your space by emailing your interest to seo@inverclydechamber.co.uk

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