Young Person’s Guarantee From Developing The Young Workforce

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Young Person’s Guarantee From Developing The Young Workforce

As part of Scotland’s response to COVID-19 economic recovery, Young Person’s Guarantee was launched in November 2020. It aims to give all young people, aged 16-24 in Scotland, the chance to succeed through the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, education, training or volunteering.

And for employers, it offers help to develop a future pipeline of skills and experience, with young people at the heart of the workforce. Young people bring organisations a wealth of talent, creativity, and enthusiasm, critical now and for future success.

Employers of all sizes and across all sectors can get involved with Young Person’s Guarantee in up to 5 ways:

  • Prepare young people for the world of work
  • Create opportunities for young people who face the greatest barriers to work
  • Invest in a skilled workforce through apprenticeships, training and upskilling opportunities
  • Create jobs and opportunities suitable for 16-24-year-olds
  • Ensure a work environment that supports all young people and provides fair work

Whether you currently provide opportunities for young people or you’d like to start getting involved, there are options available.

Your local DYW group, DYW West can provide more information and support – contact

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