New Guidance For Businesses And Workplaces – Beyond Level 0

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New Guidance For Businesses And Workplaces – Beyond Level 0

The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on Tuesday that Scotland will move “beyond level 0”, lifting most of the remaining legally imposed Covid-19 restrictions, including physical distancing.

The Scottish Government have now published updated business and workplace guidance, which also provides advice on measures that businesses can / should take in order to mitigate risks and protect staff and customers.

In the guidance, the Scottish Government advise employers to:

  • follow this guidance and any industry guidance that may apply
  • continue to conduct and regularly review risk assessments
  • continue to work with employees, or employer representatives, on health and safety matters. Employers with no worker consultation mechanism can seek advice and assistance from the STUC and Scottish Hazards
  • help employees to understand the steps they can take to prevent COVID-19 from spreading in the workplace

When Scotland moves beyond Level 0:

  • all businesses can open with protective measures, including nightclubs and adult entertainment venues
    there will no longer be a requirement to physically distance from other people and there will be no limits on the number of people you can meet
  • there will no longer be any limits on the number of people who can attend weddings, funerals and civil partnerships
  • large scale events can take place – but, for a limited period, organisers will need to apply for permission to hold outdoor events with more than 5000 people and indoor events with more than 2000 people
  • an exemption to the self-isolation rules will be introduced for close contacts who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccination or are under 18 provided they meet further criteria (further information about eligibility is available)

For now, the Scottish Government continue to advise home working where possible, recognising that some staff will start to return to offices in line with staff wellbeing discussions and business need.

Click here to read the guidance.

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