ICC CEO Meets Colombian Ambassador

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ICC CEO Meets Colombian Ambassador

Mr Antonio Jose Ardila, talking with George McKay, CEO of Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce at a COP 26 Colombian Government evening reception in Glasgow on Monday 1st November.

Inverclyde Chamber’s CEO met with the Colombian ambassador at a COP26 reception in Glasgow in a bid to boost trade links.

George McKay, Chief Executive of ICC, attended a reception where he spoke with the South American nation’s United Kingdom representative, Antonio Jose Ardila.

Colombia makes up the third-largest international delegation attending the COP26 event.

Mr McKay has been forging local links with the country for some time, having held a virtual international trade partnership mission in June this year with Colombian, Inverclyde and Scottish businesses taking part.

The Colombian president, Ivan Duque Márquez was also at the reception, which was attended by Scottish businesses and Colombian delegates.

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