Have Your Say On Roads Budget

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Have Your Say On Roads Budget

Inverclyde Council is inviting members of the public, community groups and other interested parties to help shape the allocation of a portion of the roads budget for the financial year 2022/23.

Inverclyde Council has invested significantly over the last eight years in a Road Asset Management Plan (RAMP).

An initial investment of £29 million for the period 2013 to 2018 followed by a further investment of £15 million for the period 2018 to 2023.

Councillor Stephen McCabe, leader of Inverclyde Council, said: “It is important that communities be given the opportunity to have their voices heard about road and pathway improvements in their local areas.

“This consultation allows residents to help prioritise up to £150,000 of the larger Roads Asset Management budget for 2022/2023.”

Local residents also have the opportunity to highlight any other work in their locality they feel requires repair.

If you require any support to complete the survey please contact Community Learning and Development on 01475 715450 or email CLD.Admin@inverclyde.gov.uk.

The survey will close on Wednesday 16 February 2022.

A support pack with a list of footways and carriageways, individual costings and a link to the survey can be found at www.inverclyde.gov.uk/yoursay.

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