Inverclyde Council – Industrial Action

SCC QEI Q3 2022 Opens
Inverclyde Council – Industrial Action Update

Inverclyde Council – Industrial Action

Inverclyde Council is expecting significant disruption to waste, recycling and street cleaning services between 24 August to 10 September 2022 due to strike action.

A new dedicated webpage has been created on the council website at:

It includes updates on:

  • Household  waste services
  • Brown Bins (garden waste)
  • Food waste collections
  • Commercial waste collection
  • Glass bank services
  • Report a missed bin
  • Collections of bulky waste items
  • Recycling centres – Pottery Street and Craigmuschat Quarry
  • Request and replace bins and boxes
  • Litter/dogs bins and street cleansing
  • Waste reporting and enquires

The page also includes some guidance on what householders can do to help during the period of industrial action.

The page will be regularly updated and shared across social media sites.

Below is the first update to the page and future updates will be sent to you direct:

Industrial Action

We are expecting significant disruption to waste, recycling and street cleaning services between 24 August to 10 September 2022 due to strike action.

Below are the latest updates on how the industrial action is affecting services in Inverclyde.

Please check this page regularly for updates on services and when collections will restart in your area. Normal collections may take a while to get back to your regular schedule after the strike ends.

Affected services:

Household  waste services

There will be no household waste and recycling collections between Wednesday 24 August and Wednesday 31 August 2022.

Do not put your bin out during these dates and from 1 September 2022 please put your bin out on its normal collection date.

During this time please keep your waste in a safe, secure way and away from pavements and roads and if necessary use strong bin liners for your waste.

Please do not take waste to any other location during this time.

For communal bin properties please fill bins as normal and when these are all full, store your waste at home, or in your back green or garden if possible.

Do not leave bags next to bins unless this is unavoidable, as it can become a hazard.

Keep separating your waste and rinse plastic recycling containers so that they don’t smell while you store them. Where possible flatten bottles, cans and cardboard too.

Keep food waste in a sealed container, as cool as possible.

Brown Bins (garden waste)

This service will be suspended and the collection season will be extended. We will update the details here.

Food waste collections

This service will be suspended. Please do not put your food bin out. Please ensure your kerbside food waste bin is closed and secured to prevent animal access.

Commercial waste collection

Where your bin is not collected please do not leave your container on the street, our commercial waste services officer will be in touch with additional support where possible.

Glass bank services

This service will be suspended please store your glass safely until the strike has ended.

Report a missed bin

Since normal scheduled collections are suspended, we cannot take reports of missed bins. Please do not present your bin for collection until advised to do so.

Collections of bulky waste items

This service is suspended. If you have booked a bulky uplift, we will contact you to reschedule.

Recycling centres – Pottery Street and Craigmuschat Quarry

Household recycling centres at Pottery Street and Craigmuschat Quarry will be closed from Wednesday 24 August until Thursday 1 September 2022 and it will not be possible to book vans in during the period of the strike.

Request and replace bins and boxes

Additional bins or replacement bin deliveries will be suspended.

Litter/dogs bins and street cleansing

There will be limited street cleansing activities including street sweeping and litter bin emptying. Please either use a bin that’s not full or take it home and double bag it to reduce smells.

Waste reporting and enquires

We have removed all online reporting for waste and cleansing as we are unable to carry out these services during the industrial action.

What you can do

You can help us during this period by following this guidance

  • Regularly check this page on our website and our social media accounts for service updates and when collections will restart in your area,
  • If your bin is not collected please return it to your normal location, don’t put any bins, boxes or bags out for collection until updates are advised,
  • Use strong black bags for your waste,
  • When separating your recycling, please try to flatten all cardboard, plastic bottles and cans Store these  to empty into the recycling bin when you can,
  • Store waste sensibly securely and safely on your property,
  • Consider bin sharing with your neighbour’s agreement. Help neighbours who may need support managing their waste and pass on this advice to those who may not have heard.
  • Keep all food waste separate and in an enclosed container.
  • Please do not take your waste to any other location as these will not get collected and could become a hazard.
  • If a bin is full to overflowing, don’t use it, particularly for dog fouling.  Please either use a bin that’s not full or takes it home and double bag it to reduce smells.

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