Shape The Future Of Community Councils

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Shape The Future Of Community Councils

Inverclyde - Courtesy of Inverclyde Now

People are being encouraged to take part in a consultation to help shape the future of community councils in Inverclyde.

Inverclyde Council is currently carrying out the first phase of a statutory review of how community councils look and operate and what changes, if any, are required to ensure they continue to meet the needs of the areas and people they serve.

The last review took place 10 years ago.

The current review is looking at the scheme for the establishment of community councils which sets out the framework and rules by which community councils in Inverclyde operate.

It deals with a number of things including meetings, accounts, elections and other ways to fill vacancies.

The review comes ahead of community council elections which are expected to take place later this year.

The first phase of the process is a consultation on the areas and composition of the community councils.

People are being encouraged to have their say in the consultation before the closing date on 3 February 2023.

Councillor Paul Cassidy, Inverclyde Council’s community council champion, said: “This is an important exercise to ensure our community councils remain fit for purpose.

“It’s also an opportunity to raise awareness of community councils and the crucial role they play representing and being the voices of the people and areas they serve.

“Sadly, we have a number of inactive community councils and underrepresented ones.

“These grassroots forums are valuable assets for Inverclyde, ensuring there is a platform for individuals and organisations to share issues that matter to them to help influence positive change for our communities.

“That’s why this consultation to shape the future of community councils is so important and will also hopefully encourage residents to get involved in their local community council.”

The review looks at matters including the community council areas, who can be­­ a community councillor, how many community councillors there should be, and their roles and responsibilities.

Feedback from the consultation will be used in the next phases of the overall review and representations are welcome from individuals and organisations.

There will be consultation on other aspects of the scheme as part of this review.

For more information and to take part, visit

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