Liz Cameron: Yes (First) Minister, It Is Time For A ‘Reset’

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Liz Cameron: Yes (First) Minister, It Is Time For A ‘Reset’

Liz Cameron , chief executive Scottish Chambers of Commerce

Dr. Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive of SCC, has written in today’s Press Journal about the importance of a relationship reset between the business community and the Scottish Government with a new First Minister to be in place later this month.

Excerpt from the article:

Urgency, action, and partnership will be watchwords the next first minister will be assessed on. These are the essential parameters for creating a business environment in Scotland that is growth-led, competitive, and world-leading.

We are ready to work with the government on issues that matter to us all, including:

  • Ensuring quality jobs for all.
  • A just transition that builds on our massive potential for net-zero.
  • Making sure economic growth is tied in with improving social equality and prosperity.
  • Only by working collectively as genuine partners can policy ambitions translate into practical delivery on the ground.

Perhaps this is the moment where a genuine reset is possible.

While the business community stands ready to work openly and constructively, the onus is on the next first minister to demonstrate their willingness and openness to work with us so we can collectively grow Scotland’s economy.

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