Calls For Greenock Prison Plans Update After Concerning Inspection

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Calls For Greenock Prison Plans Update After Concerning Inspection

Scotland’s justice secretary is being pressed for an urgent update about the future of Greenock prison after another concerning inspection report said the facility is ‘ill-suited’.

Inverclyde Council leader Stephen McCabe has appealed directly to senior government minister Angela Constance asking for an up-to-date short, medium, and long-term plan for the jail, which opened in 1910.

It comes on the back of the latest inspection report released last month by the HM Inspectorate of Prisons that reinforced previous concerns about the condition of the Greenock facility, calling it ‘ill-suited’ for the demands of a modern prison.

Inspectors added that there is still a ‘compelling case’ for securing a more suitable replacement, preferably in the same area.

The council leader’s appeal for an update comes as Ms. Constance, who is cabinet secretary for justice and home affairs, was due to visit the jail on Thursday, 3 August 2023.

Councillor McCabe said: “The fact that HMP Greenock is no longer fit for purpose and well past its sell-by-date is nothing new, we’ve been told this for many years.

“Prison staff were, rightly so, praised in the report for, among other things, creating an ‘excellent’ culture despite the challenges they face working in a building that is now 113 years old.

“That good work I’m afraid only papers over the cracks, quite literally, of what are not only concerning accommodation and living conditions but also working conditions.

“I would welcome an urgent update from the cabinet secretary about the government’s plans for Greenock prison now and in the near future to ensure we have a facility fit for the 21st Century.”

The full text of the letter to Ms. Constance is below:


Dear Angela,

HMP Prison Greenock

I am writing to you regarding the ongoing concern about the condition of HMP Greenock.

This is a matter I have raised on several occasions in the past and most recently with your predecessor Keith Brown.

You will be aware of the latest inspection report from HM Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland, which highlights once again concerns around the condition of the facility and how it is ‘ill-suited’ to the demands of a modern-day prison service. The report also echoes previous inspection reports in calling for a replacement prison and that there is ‘still a compelling case’ for one.

This brings into sharp focus the urgent need for a new prison to replace the current HMP Greenock to provide suitable accommodation and working conditions.

I would welcome an update on the plans for HMP Greenock in light of this latest inspection report; a commitment that there will definitely be a replacement in Inverclyde; a firm timeline for the replacement of Greenock prison; and details of what is being done in the meantime to improve conditions until a replacement facility is built.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Built between 1907 and 1910, Greenock prison is described as having one of the most diverse ranges of prisoners in the Scottish prisons estate and manages adult male and female inmates serving short and long-term sentences and those who are on remand.

The full inspection report is available at:

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