Council Spends £25m With Local Businesses

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Council Spends £25m With Local Businesses

Inverclyde Council - Municipal Buildings

Businesses in Inverclyde have benefited from council spending of almost £25 million in the last year.

Inverclyde Council spent £24.5m on goods, services and works directly with local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) during the financial year of 2022/23 – a rise of nearly £5m on the previous 12-month total.

The local spend represented a quarter of the council’s overall procurement spend.

The figures were included in the annual procurement report that went to the environment and regeneration committee on Thursday 2 November 2023.

Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “Small businesses are vital for the economy and we have a wealth of skilled and talented providers, traders, and contractors locally so it makes sense to utilise them.

“Taking full advantage of Inverclyde-based suppliers supports local jobs and the local economy and can have a better environmental impact as delivery distances, for example, are greatly reduced.

“It’s not just private enterprises that benefit, the council/HSCP spends large sums with many third sector and charitable organisations to deliver important services for our communities and residents.

“We should all do what we can to ‘shop local’ and support local businesses and it’s satisfying that the council is leading by example and increasing as much as possible its links and spending with home-grown SMEs while ensuring the best value for taxpayers’ money.”

The report highlighted the success of the council’s ‘Meet the Buyer’ event in February 2023 which saw nearly 200 representatives from the world of business attend the Beacon Arts Centre to find out directly from council buyers and external partners, such as Scotland Excel and Supplier Development Programme, about the wide variety of services provided, and what procurement opportunities are on offer, and how to successfully bid for contracts.

The council has also participated in similar events nationally in conjunction with the Supplier Development Programme and other local initiatives to support businesses in the area.

The report is available in full on the council website at and the meeting is available to watch on the council’s YouTube channel.

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