The Royal Princess, moored at the quayside at Greenock Ocean Terminal
Tourism Inverclyde, a partnership body involving Inverclyde Council and other stakeholders in the hospitality sector, is convening two seminars to help local businesses in west-central Scotland prepare for next year.
The late summer has seen a series of cruise ship arrivals at Greenock, hopefully signposting a full and successful season for 2022.
In March 2022, a workshop will be held for local retail, transport, and hospitality businesses in and around Inverclyde, when details of the schedule for the cruise season will be explored to identify, which ship, what day, length of stay, expected passenger profile etc.
This event will focus on the opportunities for independent cruise passengers. Invitations for this event will be circulated in the new year.
In November of this year, a Seminar is being organised for those businesses who are interested in being the destination for a shore excursion, organised by the ship, sold to passengers on board, and managed through local shore excursion companies.
If you are a business within 90 minutes travelling time of Greenock and would like to learn more about opportunities to become involved as a destination for a shore excursion from cruise ships visiting the Clyde, (and perhaps also the Forth), and what you may need to do to become a ‘cruise friendly business’, then this event will be for you.
The event will take place on Wednesday 17th November 2021 from 09:30 – 12:30 at the Beacon Arts Centre in Greenock and is organised by CruiseForth, a project that is entering its tenth year, and will be attended by cruise excursion representatives.
Please register your interest in attending as soon as possible, and by 22nd October at the latest. Only one representative per organisation.
(The intention is to hold this event in person. Should Covid Virus risks change, an online event may be substituted.)
Register by contacting Peter Wilson, CruiseForth Project Manager, as soon as possible.