Dr. Liz Cameron Re-appointed To UK Gov Strategic Advisory Group

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Dr. Liz Cameron Re-appointed To UK Gov Strategic Advisory Group

Dr Liz Cameron

Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Director & Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce has been re-appointed as the ‘Scottish Business’ representative to advise the UK Government on strategic trade policy issues, including future trade agreements.

SCC’s participation in the group reflects its commitment to global trade and to boosting exports of Scotland’s globally-renowned products and services.

The Strategic Trade Advisory Group (STAG) will be chaired by the UK Government’s Minister for Trade Policy, Department for International Trade.

Commenting on the re-appointment, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Director & Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“Exporting and international trade is a priority for Scottish businesses which will underpin Scotland’s economic growth for decades to come.

“Working closely and listening to the needs of business will give the UK Government the intelligence it needs to secure the best trade deals.

“Scottish Chambers of Commerce and our members stand ready to champion Scotland’s world-leading, high-quality products and services and strike new trade deals with partners across the world.”‎

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