Energy For Tomorrow – Centrica Grant Fund

Business Round-Up – 28 June 2021
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Energy For Tomorrow – Centrica Grant Fund

Climate change is one of our world’s biggest challenges – and we believe it needs to be tackled together.

Energy for Tomorrow champions innovation, providing funding and support to communities and entrepreneurs with initiatives that can deliver affordable, accessible and sustainable energy solutions for all.

Centrica awards grants of up to £100,000 to empower communities and start-ups who are creating initiatives that can accelerate the energy transition and deliver social impact.

If you have a great idea that you think Centrica would be interested in but doesn’t fit within the specific criteria, please submit an application and they will review it against the objectives and priorities. Centrica is a large organisation with lots of business units, so they are always interested in hearing from you.

Applications are welcome from Charities, CICs, registered community groups, not-for-profit and for-profit companies – and Centrica will be looking for all applicants to demonstrate a financially sustainable business plan by the time the funding stops, as well as a sustained commitment to a core social impact.

Energy for Tomorrow is a not-for-profit, independent entity with revenue derived from the feed-in-tariffs of solar panels installed by Centrica on over 250 schools across the UK.

The solar panels currently save each school almost £2,500 each year, collectively offsetting 1,500 tonnes of CO2.

If you want to know more, please email:

For more details on Energy for Tomorrow, click here

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