Funding For Regional Food And Drink Projects

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Funding For Regional Food And Drink Projects

Local food and drink projects are being encouraged to apply for funding from the Scottish Government’s Regional Food Fund.

The latest round of funding of up to £100,000 is now available for businesses and groups who wish to promote regional food products and establish new markets.

The Fund is designed to support the development of regional food and drink products across Scotland. It has supported a range of projects including The Shetland Seafood Provenance Scheme, The Bute Kitchen Retail Project and the Clyde Island Gin Passport.

The deadline for applications is 5pm, 24 November 2023.

The fund allows for a maximum of £5,000 to be bid for within any application.

The fund will be administered and managed on behalf of the Scottish Government by Scotland Food & Drink, and an independent assessment panel will be established to discuss the applications and determine suitability for funding.

Who can apply?

– Individual businesses in the food and drink sector, including primary producers, on behalf of a collaborative group or project
– Regional and community groups (both rural and urban)
– Individuals on behalf of a collaborative group or project

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