Funding Immediately Available For Small And Preparatory Projects In Rural Areas

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Funding Immediately Available For Small And Preparatory Projects In Rural Areas

Greater Renfrewshire and Inverclyde (GRI) Local Action Group, which covers the rural areas of Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, and Inverclyde, has funds available for small projects and for preparatory work potentially leading to larger projects, to be spent between now and the end of the first week of April 2023.

The total sum available is up to £50,000 and we imagine that it will be split into between £5,000 and a maximum of £10,000 tranches for a number of worthwhile projects either directly in the GRI rural area or potentially impacting the GRI rural area and communities.

Commercial operators can qualify but must have a community dimension or partnership to be eligible.

The funding comes from the Scottish Government through the Rural Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Fund with an application process and form made available this week.

Applications should be submitted by Friday 27 January 2023 with funding bids to be evaluated by the newly strengthened Local Action Group, whose next meeting is 1st February 2023. (This is the first action of the newly strengthened LAG, whose new members have just been recruited.)

To progress and express your interest, contact Keren Ferguson at Renfrewshire Council (acting on behalf of the three Councils) at 0141 487 1434. 

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