Further Changes to Phase 3 Route Map Announced

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Further Changes to Phase 3 Route Map Announced

Further changes to phase 3 of Scotland’s Route Map have been announced by the First Minister in her daily briefing today (30th July).

The updates include dates for the full and safe re-opening of schools and indicative dates for a suite of other sectors to work to in August and September.

Given the increased risk both of importing the virus and of transmission following our easing of restrictions earlier this month, the First Minister confirmed that the focus is on ensuring continued suppression of the virus ahead of the full and safe re-opening of schools, which has now been confirmed to take place from 11 August.

There was also confirmation that in the interim, only limited changes with confirmed dates will come into effect. Indicative dates in August have been provided for the resumption of live outdoor concerts, organised contact sports, bingo halls, funfairs and driving lessons but non-essential offices will remain closed until at least September.

An indicative date of 14 September was also provided for a possible return of limited numbers of sports fans to be allowed back into stadiums in Scotland and gyms and swimming pools may possibly also open on that date.

For a full breakdown of the updated phase 3 Route Map click here.

Commenting on the announcement, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“The re-opening of schools on 11th August will bring much relief to parents across Scotland. It is critical our young people can resume learning in a productive environment and this return will also help to facilitate employees to return to the workplace.

“Further easing of lockdown restrictions for outdoor live events and concerts is welcome. Whilst it does not address the full concerns of the industry, it provides an opportunity for the sector to plan ahead and connect with customers once again.

“Of course, it is disappointing that offices and gyms will not re-open until 14th September.  It is imperative that these sectors have a clear and earlier date of return given the important role they play for our city and town economies. Further delays may result in permanent job losses and business closures.

We appreciate and understand  the cautious approach the Scottish Government has adopted but we urge the Government to bring this date forward should the spread of the virus continue to remain at acceptable low levels. Preventing the spread of the virus is everyone’s responsibility and we must all continue to follow guidelines to safeguard lives, jobs and livelihoods.”

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