Help shape your local community

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Help shape your local community

RESIDENTS across Inverclyde are being urged to help shape the future development of their local community.

People are being encouraged to get involved in creating Local Place Plans to help inform the creation of a new Local Development Plan (LDP) for Inverclyde.

The LDP sets out the council’s strategy, policies and proposals for the use of land and buildings within Inverclyde and is the document the local authority uses to determine planning applications and provide advice on development proposals.

Local Place Plans provide an opportunity for community-led aspirations to be fed into the new LDP.

Local groups are invited to get involved in preparing Local Place Plans and support is available from Inverclyde Council planning officials to develop proposals.

Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “The LDP affects us all and that’s why it’s important that we get the views of as many residents from across Inverclyde as possible.

“Local Place Plans are a key part of developing a new LDP and provide communities with the power to have a direct say in what matters most to them.

“We all want to make Inverclyde an even better place to live, work, visit and do business so it’s important that we get the views of local communities as to how we can achieve that.

“I encourage anyone with an interest in the future development of Inverclyde to take up this opportunity to positively influence the future planning of their areas.”

Local Place Plans were introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 to give communities the power to produce their own plans to inform the preparation of the Local Development Plan.

For a Local Place Plan to be considered, it must be prepared by a community group, be a proposal for the development or use of land, and fulfil the legal requirements set out in planning law, namely the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Town and Country Planning (Local Place Plans) Scotland Regulations 2021.

A ‘development’ includes the change in use and appearance of existing buildings and land as well as new buildings and Local Place Plans must relate to this.

Officers from Inverclyde Council’s planning policy team are available to meet with community groups at the start of their Local Place Plan process to discuss the statutory requirements, explain the support that is on offer and discuss any further assistance.

The deadline for submitting Local Place Plans is July 2025 but groups are strongly advised to submit them as early as possible to ensure they meet the criteria and so that they can be validated, registered and considered before publication of the council’s proposed Local Development Plan.

Any groups that are interested in creating a Local Place Plan or have questions on the process can contact the council’s planning policy team by emailing

For more information visit 

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