ICC Response To Latest Scottish COVID-19 Measures

Funding Announcement
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Stay At Home Guidance

ICC Response To Latest Scottish COVID-19 Measures

Responding to the latest measures to tackle Coronavirus in Scotland, outlined by the First Minister today, George McKay, Chief Executive of Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce, said:

“Today’s news is another blow to the private sector’s recovery from this pandemic. While we fully appreciate the need for the Scottish Government to act in response to the worrying rise in COVID cases, we cannot ignore the direct impact this will have on business and livelihoods.

“The welcome news today that the Oxford vaccine has started to be rolled out reminds us that there is hope and we must focus all our efforts and resilience towards 2021.

“What is equally vital is that the Scottish Government also puts in place measures which will provide a springboard to private sector recovery when this latest round of restrictions is lifted. Support for businesses which have already been through so much and survived 2020, must be expanded and all cash support paid out urgently.”

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