International Business Mission To New Zealand (Virtual)

Scotland Likely To Enter Recession Later This Year
Date Set For 2023-24 Scottish Budget

International Business Mission To New Zealand (Virtual)

Join Inverness Chamber of Commerce week commencing 14th November for a chance to make connections in New Zealand.

They welcome applications from Scottish companies looking to explore opportunities and meet with like-minded businesses in Auckland, Tauranga and Waikato through this virtual trade mission.

While New Zealand might be small, the opportunities are endless. This cross-sector mission offers opportunities for companies within:

  • Food & Drink
  • Aquaculture and Marine
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Digital Health and Life Sciences
  • Transport and Infrastructure
  • FinTech
  • Agriculture

Find out from one of the delivery partners, Tauranga Business Chamber, why you should consider New Zealand:

“We may be on the opposite side of the world, but there are plenty of reasons why New Zealand is a great place for small to medium Scottish exporters to do business! We are delighted to be working with Inverness, and the wider Scotland Chambers of Commerce network, to explore trade opportunities following the recent NZ-UK Free Trade Agreement.

New Zealand has steady population growth, an economy fuelled by strong international trade across the Asia-Pacific region, and operates under a single nationwide legislative environment. New Zealand is looking to technology to help address challenging environmental and societal issues, including the advancement of sustainable food production practices and accessible public services (healthcare, education etc.).

New Zealand consumers are worldly and eager to try new experiences and products with friends and family. Kiwis are future-focused with environmental and social impacts ranking high in consumer decision-making.

We are looking forward to developing stronger relationships with our Scottish friends.”

– Matt Cowley, Chief Executive, Tauranga Business Chamber

This mission will take place virtually over Zoom. For full details, please visit the Export Hub portal.

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