Inverclyde Leisure Seeking New Board Members

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Inverclyde Leisure Seeking New Board Members

Inverclyde Leisure is looking to recruit a dynamic co-opted volunteer director to work with IL’s board to help oversee its next three-year strategic plan.

Are you passionate about leisure and community facilities in Inverclyde?

Do you have strategic leadership experience or business skills in the following areas: Finance, Legal, Strategic Management, Asset Management, Marketing, Organisational Development or Commercial Development?

Inverclyde Leisure Mission

Providing Great Experiences and Fun Activities for Its Customers

The Company’s Vision

“To be the best in the eyes of customers, employees, and its stakeholders”

The company’s core values:

— Being Enthusiastic
— Being Positive
— Being Professional
— Being Open-minded
— Being Innovative
— Being Honest

Directors’ qualities should consist of the following key areas:

— Understanding of the company’s needs
— Belief in the mission, vision, and values
— A passion for leisure
— Willingness to commit time for board meetings, planning sessions, and special events
— Work well in a group environment
— Listen well
— Thoughtful in considering issues
— Act only in the interest of the charity and in a manner that is consistent with our purpose

Directors will be expected to attend six board meetings a year and will be working with the sole interest of Inverclyde Leisure.

To receive an information pack, please email David McCorkindale.

Upon receipt, interested parties should then submit a CV and cover letter with how they believe they would add value to the board and what skills they would bring as a director on Inverclyde Leisure’s Board. The closing date for expressions of interest is the 21st August 2023.

Inverclyde Leisure

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