Launch Of First Direct China-Scotland Container Service

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Launch Of First Direct China-Scotland Container Service

More than a million bottles of whisky will leave the west coast of Scotland later in the country’s first direct shipping container service to China.

The new shipping route has been hailed as a “game changer for Scotland”.

The Allseas Pioneer arrived in Greenock from Ningbo in China earlier, carrying containers of textiles, furniture and toys for sale in Scotland.

The direct sailings will reduce freight transit times, compared to services via Europe or southern UK ports.

Six ships – each capable of carrying about 1,600 shipping containers – will operate on the route, which was established as a response to growing global supply chain pressures.

The new service with three sailings per month in each direction is expected to cut the journey time from about 60 days to an estimated 33 by eliminating unscheduled port congestion delays in Rotterdam.

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