Member News: Glasgow Children’s Hospital Patients Watch In Amazement As Superheroes Rappel Down Building

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Member News: Glasgow Children’s Hospital Patients Watch In Amazement As Superheroes Rappel Down Building

Patients at Glasgow Children’s Hospital watched in amazement as superheroes rappelled down the side of the building.

In a hospital first, Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, Wonder Woman and Batman abseiled down to the roof garden at the Royal Hospital for Children (RHC), much to the delight of the unsuspecting children watching from the wards on Friday 10th September 2021.

The abseil was organised by ICC Members, The Balmore Group in aid of Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity to raise money for the RHC to help invest in services for patients and families. The Group, which helps maintain the Hospital’s exterior, has so far raised around £3,000 thanks to the stunt.

Melanie Hutton, Clinical Service Manager at the Royal Hospital for Children, said:

“A huge thanks to the Balmore Group and Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity for their kind fundraising stunt. The kids absolutely loved it and even the Scottish weather held out!

“The superhero abseil was a great idea and a great way to entertain them within the current boundaries of COVID which make it difficult to do ward appearances.

“In the meantime, the children’s charity and our own staff continue to work on innovative ways to help bring joy to the wards at the RHC during such a difficult period.

Coral McGowan, Head of Play Services at RHC said the children had an amazing time:

“To see their favourite superhero drop from the sky and then wave directly to them brought many a delighted smile. Thanks to the whole team for brightening up our young patients’ day.”

Kirsten Watson, Chief Executive at Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity added:

“It is thanks to the generous support of organisations like The Balmore Group that, 20 years on, we are still here for children and families when the lights go down at the end of another difficult day in the hospital.

“It was fantastic to see lots of excited faces from our young patients today, as they witnessed this special fundraising challenge in support of our hospital community.

“Our charity-funded projects and support services such as the play programme, bereavement support and emergency family support depend entirely on donations and fundraising. We would like to thank The Balmore Group for their tremendous fundraising efforts.”

There’s still time to donate to the JustGiving page set up for the event and anyone wishing to do so can donate here.

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