SCC Comment On First Meeting Of New Deal For Business Group

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SCC Comment On First Meeting Of New Deal For Business Group

Dr Liz Cameron

Commenting on the first meeting of the New Deal for Business Group which took place in Edinburgh today (17th May), Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Today’s discussion was a positive start to designing and developing a new way of working between business and the Scottish Government.

“The group met today against an economic backdrop of growing costs and squeezed profitability. That is why we need to be clear, there is still much more to be done to iron out the details and we have stressed that the ‘New Deal’ cannot be more of the same that we have come to expect from the government.

“We need action and urgency now to grow the economy by correcting policies that limit growth and investment, to truly make the most of Scotland’s potential.

“The final deal, once agreed, will be tested, and deemed successful if we see a positive shift in business confidence, profits, and investment. The expectations are high for both sides and it is crucial business and government work together to deliver for Scotland’s economy.

“We stand ready with our colleagues in the business community to work collaboratively with the Scottish Government to find the best deal for Scottish business.”

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