SCC QEI Q3 2022 Opens

Survey Of Local Businesses On Levelling Up Bid
Inverclyde Council – Industrial Action

SCC QEI Q3 2022 Opens

The Q3 2022 Scottish Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Economic Indicator survey fieldwork begins today, providing an opportunity for Chamber members to share their views on trading conditions, amidst an uncertain economic climate with rising costs of energy, food, fuel, raw materials and inflation set to rise further in the coming months.

This short business survey allows you to share live feedback on current trading conditions as well as challenges being faced by your business.

Your feedback directly informs our work at a local and national level, sharing the issues being faced by the business community with policymakers at Holyrood and Westminster.

Over the past two years, we have used these views to secure vital business support, quicken the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and be the voice of business in Scotland.

The latest survey received significant coverage in the media, highlighting that companies are becoming increasingly anxious about their prospects in the face of complex economic challenges.

We hope you can take just a few minutes of your time to share your views, by taking our survey today and keeping us informed:

Please consider sharing your insights with us today, so that we can continue to be your voice locally as well as at Holyrood and Westminster.

The survey closes on Monday 19th September 2022.

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