SCC respond to GB Energy being located in Aberdeen

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SCC respond to GB Energy being located in Aberdeen

Commenting on the announcement by the Prime Minister that Aberdeen will be the location of GB Energy, Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“We welcome the confirmation Great British Energy will be located in Aberdeen, boosting its status as the global energy capital and restoring some much-needed confidence in the North Sea.

“The benefits will be felt across the North East and Scotland and will hopefully secure jobs and investment as the oil and gas sector makes a just transition to net zero.

“It is a long overdue commitment amidst the lack of clarity to date around Labour’s green energy strategy and we hope it signals a positive approach to protecting the industry and the thousands of people it employs.

“The North East is also home to specialist infrastructure, hundreds of energy companies - both onshore and offshore - and a highly skilled workforce that can be at the heart of that transition. Today’s confirmation from the Prime Minister puts the foundations in place for a balanced strategy for growth and sustainability.”

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