SCC welcomes UK International Investment Summit    

Inverclyde Leisure
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SCC welcomes UK International Investment Summit    

Douglas Smith, Vice-President of Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:


“The International Investment Summit taking place is important because it sends a clear and wider message about the UK and Scotland being open for business and investment.


“Both the UK and in particular Scotland have a strong track record in attracting both foreign direct investment and capital investment. The extensive range of opportunities in Scotland to invest in green energy and decarbonisation tick many boxes for investors and provide a good starting point for investor engagement.


“The reality of current pressures on public finances is such that government working in partnership with the private sector is not just desirable but will be essential if this vision of economic growth is to be delivered.


“Investors and providers of capital in the private sector do have the resources to support this ambition but will look closely not just at the metrics of individual investment propositions but also at the wider economic, business, and political environment.


“It is essential that government now works with business to make this environment as attractive and as competitive as possible.”

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