Scottish Apprenticeships Week Begins Next Week

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Scottish Apprenticeships Week Begins Next Week

Next week marks #ScotAppWeek23 from 6-10 March!

There are free events and still time to register.

On Monday, 6 March at 11:00, the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board is holding a one-hour webinar for employers called Scottish Apprenticeships: Unlocking Potential for your business.

The event aims to provide practical advice and information on how to take on an apprentice, the support available, and the benefits of investing in apprenticeships. It will feature SMEs, apprentices, a learning provider, and an SDS employer adviser.

The event is run in partnership with the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Business Gateway, Scottish Training Federation Limited, and Skills Development Scotland.

Sign up by clicking the button here.

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