Scottish Chambers Of Commerce – London Business Visit

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Scottish Chambers Of Commerce – London Business Visit

The annual Scottish Chambers of Commerce London Business Visit is established as Scottish business’s premium political and commercial networking and influencing forum in the Capital.

These visits offer Scottish companies unrivalled access to top Westminster politicians and City business leaders.

The 2023 Business Visit will take place from 15th – 18th May 2023 and will offer delegates the exclusive chance to meet global and national business leaders, Ambassadors, and international business owners and participate in roundtables as well as attending the British Chambers of Commerce Global Conference.

This year’s London business visit will help you identify new markets and supply chain opportunities, provide international advice to support market entry and export initiatives, and access our global network.

Powers reserved to the UK Government in these areas are vitally important to Scotland’s businesses and the wider Scottish economy and SCC will cover a range of business issues including infrastructure, investment, and international trade during this visit.

If you would like to register your interest for the next SCC London Business Visit, please do so via the link below.

Click Here

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