Success For Greenock Levelling Up Bid

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Success For Greenock Levelling Up Bid

Inverclyde Council’s bid for levelling up funding has been successful. 

The ambitious bid to the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to transform the heart of Greenock Town Centre is set to receive £20m as part of a £22m project.

It is one of 10 projects receiving funding across Scotland.

The Greenock project would create new civic spaces, a restructured more outward-looking town centre retail offer, improve links between various parts of the town centre and the waterfront and build in capacity for a potential new education/college facility or town centre housing.

The Levelling Up Fund project would remove the A78 flyover bringing the road to ground level to increase access, remove the bullring roundabout, and 40 per cent of the existing indoor retail space in the Oak Mall, including Hector McNeil House.

This would be replaced by a low-level road which does not split the town centre in two with easier access to the town centre for visitors and residents. 

It would allow the Oak Mall to be restructured as an outward-looking retail and leisure quarter recreating the functional heart of the centre.

The plans could create space for a new learning quarter and campus anchored on a new college facility and the existing Greenock library alongside opportunities for new town centre homes.

Inverclyde Council’s Environment and Regeneration Convener, Councillor Michael McCormick, said: “This is excellent news for Greenock and Inverclyde that our levelling up bid has been successful.

“A stronger vibrant town centre will help to boost the retail offer.

“The Levelling Up fund will bring about real transformation of the town centre in Greenock.

“The proposals ensure the sustainability of the town centre, open up and create better links in the town centre and improve access into the town centre for visitors and residents.”

Paul McGreevy of McGreevy Property Consultants Limited: “We have been working with Inverclyde Council on this project since the acquisition of the centre and want to congratulate them on winning this bid.

“We look forward to working with the Council in completely transforming the centre of Greenock – we firmly believe this will be a transformational redevelopment presenting Inverclyde and Greenock in its best light.

“Huge credit must go to the council officials for driving this initiative – securing the owners’ support and ultimately winning the bid.”

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