Sustainable Future for Aviation Should Be Key In Scottish Government’s Policies for Travel Recovery

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Sustainable Future for Aviation Should Be Key In Scottish Government’s Policies for Travel Recovery

Policies that support sustainable growth in aviation should be at the heart of the Scottish Government’s plan for supporting the recovery of the Scottish travel industry

Recommendations for how this should be achieved have been presented to the Scottish Government in a wide-ranging report on The Recovery of Sustainable Aviation, Travel & Tourism in Scotland by the Aviation Cross Party Group (Aviation CPG).

The Aviation CPG comprises UK and Scottish organisations including representation from Scotland’s Airports and the Airport Operators’ Association, international airlines and Airlines UK, ABTA, the Scottish Passenger Agents’ Association (SPAA), Barrhead Travel, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, outbound Scottish leisure tour operators, UKinbound and NATS.

The report covers devolved elements of travel and highlights that a four nations approach to the industry is vital.

Dr. Liz Cameron CBE, Director & Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Aviation is a major contributor to global economic prosperity. The sector is unmatched in its role in connecting economies, people, and cultures which drives economic growth, job creation and exports.

“Scotland’s aviation sector has weathered recent crises and is emerging stronger, demonstrating the long-term resilience of its businesses and people.

“Looking ahead, the industry needs unequivocal political support which champions the sector’s growth potential and its critical position in driving Scotland’s economic success.

“The business community stands ready to work in partnership with the Scottish and UK Governments to transform these recommendations into reality.”

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