TPM Joins The Walk To Rwanda

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TPM Joins The Walk To Rwanda

Tweetiepie Media (TPM) has joined the Walk to Rwanda from Inverclyde in support of a local charity.

All funds raised will be donated to Greenock-based charity Aid for Education, an amazing organisation that helps to provide for the poorest children and families in Rwanda to get access to education, basic medical care, and shelter.

ICC Member, TPM is aiming to contribute to the 6,000 miles in 60 days from Inverclyde to Rwanda, with the challenge beginning on the 8th January 2023, and finishing on International Women’s Day – 8th March 2023.

TPM would appreciate any contributions and is looking forward to raising money for this wonderful charity within our community.

For more information please see 

To donate, please follow this link: 

Tweetiepie Media

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