Training Sessions With Enable Works

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Training Sessions With Enable Works

Enable Works supports people with disabilities and health conditions into employment and is hosting several events for ICC Members to attend.

The business ensures organisations feel confident and are able to see and understand the benefits of diversity and inclusion by welcoming disabled employees into the workplace.

Enable offers free Diversity and Inclusion training to all Inverclyde employers, including:

  • Autism Awareness
  • Neurodiversity Awareness
  • Learning Disability Awareness
  • Re-thinking Recruitment
  • Mental Health at Work
  • Disability Awareness

Up and coming training sessions are:

Re-thinking Recruitment 7th July 10am – 12pm

The training is aimed at considering how to make the recruitment process more inclusive to disabled candidates, with practical examples and advice on inclusive advertising and selection processes. There is a focus on how to make reasonable adjustments throughout the recruitment process to ensure equality.

Learning Disability Awareness 25th July 10am – 12pm

This session is a focus on Learning Disability, it provides a general understanding of what we define as a Learning Disability, and why it is important to have that understanding.

It explores different conditions and how this may present differently to those without.

This session provides an introduction to the Social Model as opposed to the Medical Model and explains the benefits of this perspective. This session is a thorough guide for those looking to understand more about Learning Disabilities and where to find support for questions they may have.

If anyone would like to attend either of the sessions, please email

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