UK Government ‘Brexit Ready’ Campaign Launches

Business Round-Up – 13 July 2020
Support For Scottish Coastal Communities

UK Government ‘Brexit Ready’ Campaign Launches

Transition Period - Brexit

The UK Government campaign, under the slogan ‘The UK’s new start: let’s get going’ is intended to set out the actions businesses and individuals need to take to prepare for the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December.

Campaign advertisements with a ‘Check, Change, Go’ strapline will direct people and businesses to an online checker tool which identifies the necessary next steps they need to take.

These will run across the full range of communication channels, while the campaign will also see the launch of a field force team which will give one-to-one support in person or over the phone to businesses and their supply chains to minimise disruption to the movement of goods.

The campaign will target UK citizens intending to travel to Europe from 1 January 2021 and all importers to and exporters from the EU, alongside UK nationals living in the EU and EU, EEA or Swiss citizens living in the UK.

The government announcement noted that some areas of UK-wide guidance published will not be applicable for trade between Northern Ireland and the EU, until negotiations have concluded with the EU.

Initial guidance specific to Northern Ireland will be published in the coming weeks and will continue to be issued throughout the transition period.

Michael Gove, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, said:

“At the end of this year, we are leaving the single market and Customs Union regardless of the type of agreement we reach with the EU. This will bring changes and significant opportunities for which we all need to prepare.

‘While we have already made great progress in getting ready for this moment, there are actions that businesses and citizens must take now to ensure we are ready to hit the ground running as a fully independent United Kingdom.”

For more details, click here.

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