VisitScotland Unveils Plans To Support Recovery Of Tourism

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VisitScotland Unveils Plans To Support Recovery Of Tourism

A multi-million-pound global marketing campaign is set to bolster the recovery of Scotland’s valuable tourism and events industry by encouraging younger visitors to make Scotland their top travel choice this year. 

With 16-34-year-olds expected to be among the first to travel this year, and global insights suggesting this age range will lead the international travel market’s post-COVID revival, VisitScotland is focusing the next phase of Scotland is Calling on attracting younger visitors. It aims to ensure Scotland is at the front of mind with those who are yet to make their travel plans.

In 2019, Scotland welcomed 3.5 million overnight international visitors, which generated 43% of the total tourism spending that year. Figures over the same period show that visitors aged 16-34-year-old were worth an average of £1.5bn to the Scottish economy.

It is hoped attracting younger visitors back to Scotland will kickstart a meaningful recovery for the industry, which has been one of the greatest economic casualties of the pandemic. 2022 will mark, what is hoped to be, the first full year of trading for many tourism and event businesses.

The £8.5million campaign, which launches during Scottish Tourism Month, is running in key markets such as America, France, Germany, and the UK. It will target people who are already thinking about their next holiday and includes partnerships with brands like National Geographic, Expedia, Facebook and NBC.

Research suggests overseas visitors stay longer and spend more, with their return seen as a critical milestone in the recovery of Scotland’s valuable tourism and events industry.

VisitScotland’s Scotland is Calling campaign is part of an international demand building programme.

One of several tourism recovery proposals developed by the Scottish Tourism Emergency Response Group (STERG), funded by the Scottish Government, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. VisitScotland has also allocated an additional budget towards activity in the UK to support a growing trend towards staycations.

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