Your Say On Your Community Councils

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Your Say On Your Community Councils

Greenock Town Centre

Inverclyde Council has launched the second stage of consultation in its review of community councils.

The review will help shape how Inverclyde’s community councils will look in future.

Community councils are the third tier of government, bridging the gap between communities, councils and national governments. They play an important role in towns and villages across Scotland.

At the moment there are 11 Inverclyde community council areas. The new consultation proposes merging some areas to create eight areas with the aim of this being to make sure that communities are better represented and to make the areas more clearly defined.

Inverclyde Council’s Community Council Champion, Councillor Paul Cassidy, said: “This is an important consultation that can help to shape the voice of communities right across Inverclyde and I would urge you to take part.

“It’s important to emphasise these proposed boundary changes are exactly that, proposals. They are not the final boundaries, but they are ones that we genuinely want to hear the public’s views on.

“I see community councils from two sides. As a former community council member myself, I know only too well the dedication of community council members in being a strong voice and advocates for their community, working closely together to make sure the towns and villages of Inverclyde are great places to live and visit.

“As a councillor with Inverclyde Council, I also now get to see community councils from a different view and the crucial role they have in local decision making, working with community partners such as the police and having a voice in issues such as planning.

“The consultation will help to shape, strengthen and enhance what community councils look like for years to come. I hope also that it raises the profile of community councils going forward and encourages many more people to give their time and skills to their local community council. It is very worthwhile and can help to make sure your town or villages voice is strong.”

You can have your say on the community council consultation at:

The proposals can also be examined at Inverclyde Council’s Customer Service Centre at the Municipal Buildings, Clyde Square, Greenock, PA15 1LY or any of Inverclyde Council’s libraries.

The consultation is open to any individual and organisation and written suggestions or representations should be received by 5pm on Tuesday 15 August 2023 either by email to or in writing to the Head of Legal, Democratic, Digital and Customer Services, Inverclyde Council, Municipal Buildings, Clyde Square, Greenock, Inverclyde PA15 1LY.

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