Birkmyre Park, Kilmacolm, improvement works by Inverclyde Council. Pictured is Councillor Michael McCormick, convener of environment and regeneration, with, from left, councillors David Wilson, Stephen McCabe and Chris Curley.
Improvements worth £65,000 are due for a park in Kilmacolm following a public consultation.
Inverclyde Council will soon begin carrying out works at Birkmyre Park in the village.
It comes after the local authority recently carried out an outdoor spaces consultation seeking people’s views on potential improvements for the area.
Almost 300 responses were submitted and helped influence the improvements that will be made in the coming months.
Based on the feedback from the consultation, the following works are now planned:
Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “Birkmyre Park is one of the many wonderful assets we have in Inverclyde and these improvements will enhance this area even further.
“There was a positive response to the recent public consultation and the feedback from that was used to develop these plans.
“I look forward to work commencing over the coming weeks and months and seeing the planning improvements delivered.”
The Birkmyre Park outdoor spaces consultation ran in November 2022 and there were 278 responses.
There is a budget of £65,000 available for the works.