COVID-19 Marine and Outdoor Tourism Restart Fund Round 2 – Applications Now Open

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COVID-19 Marine and Outdoor Tourism Restart Fund Round 2 – Applications Now Open

This fund opened on the 8th of September and the application form is now available, with guidance available now.

Round 2 of the COVID-19 Marine and Outdoor Tourism Restart Fund aims to specifically support Scottish-based businesses in the marine and outdoor tourism sector which have faced hardship due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The fund aims to help keep them in business as they restart operations.

Round 1 of the fund was open for applications between 2 February and 9 February 2021. It targeted operators in Scotland whose turnover in 2019/20 from tourism activity was more than 75% of their total turnover.

Following feedback from the industry and the recognition of a funding gap for marine and outdoor operators, Round 2 has been created to support marine and outdoor tourism operators in Scotland who meet the eligibility criteria.

Due to the complexity and variety of businesses within the sector, a 2-strand approach has been deemed necessary to meet its needs. Businesses may only apply to one strand.

The 2 strands are:

  1. Marine and boating tourism operators
  2. Outdoor wildlife, adventure and activity sector tourism businesses

What are the key changes for Round 2 of the fund?

– a minimum of 40% of an applicant’s annual turnover must be related to tourism activity

– these activities must occur in Scotland

– airborne activities are now included

This £800,000 fund is being delivered by VisitScotland on behalf of the Scottish Government, with development input from Sail Scotland and Wild Scotland. VisitScotland is the awarding body for the fund.

For full details, click here.

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