Inverclyde Chamber Reaction To International Travel Testing Update

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Inverclyde Chamber Reaction To International Travel Testing Update

Commenting on the confirmation that the Scottish Government is to ease testing for inbound international travel and will align with the UK, George McKay, Chief Executive of Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce said: 

“This will come as huge relief for Scotland’s aviation sector and the wider Scottish economy. For weeks businesses have been in negotiations with the Scottish Government, highlighting the importance of maintaining a four nations approach, to ensure the sector remains competitive and well placed to recover sustainably.

“Divergence in international travel restrictions and testing regimes would have placed Scotland and its airports at a significant economic disadvantage. Consumers would also have faced higher prices to travel to and from Scottish airports, risking businesses losing custom to competitors in other parts of the UK. It’s positive that the Scottish Government have listened to the concerns of industry and reached the same conclusions. 

“This sends a clear signal to the world that Scotland is open for business. This decision was always more than just about international travel and tourism – it’s about securing business investment, international trade and exports, and supporting the many thousands of jobs that are supported by Scotland’s connectivity with the world.”


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