Chamber Virtual Trade Mission: Bulgaria

Business Round-Up – 1 June 2020
Inverclyde Chamber AGM 2020 (Members Only) – 30th June at 12pm

Chamber Virtual Trade Mission: Bulgaria

As part of a wider programme of Trade Missions from the Scottish Chamber Network, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce will be virtually hosting a delegation of Bulgarian businesses on 9th June.

Inverclyde businesses are encouraged to get involved in this free virtual trade mission which will give them the opportunity to speak with Bulgarian businesses from a wide array of sectors.

Bulgaria is a Balkan nation with a population of 7 million people and is a part of the Central and Eastern European region. It is in a prime location to act as a gateway into these markets. In 2019, total exports from the UK to Bulgaria amounted to £963 million, including machinery, beverages, medicinal and pharmaceutical products. Bulgaria already imports a wide range of products and services from the UK.

Top imported goods include beverages, medicinal and pharmaceutical products, specialised machinery, electrical goods and industrial machinery. Top services imports include travel, financial, business, telecommunications, computer and information and transport services.

The trade mission will be split into brief 30 minute virtual meeting slots which will take place from 10:30am – 4pm. The 10 Bulgarian delegates are interested in meeting with Scottish businesses from variety of backgrounds including tech, finance, fintech, life sciences, hospitality, agriculture, manufacturing, food and drink and others.

If you are interested in being involved with this Trade mission and connecting with the Bulgarian companies then please contact to book a meeting slot.

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