COVID-19 Pandemic: A Message From Our President

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COVID-19 Pandemic: A Message From Our President

Message From Our President

We are all naturally focussed on the horrendous Coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe and we are no different here in Inverclyde.

A glimmer of light was the news that China is now commencing production with its citizens returning to work. This gives us all hope and confidence that providing we follow government advice we will reduce the overall impact.

This past week has forced dramatic action. We will all have examples of great businesses having to lock their doors, many not knowing what the next 3/4 months will hold.

The Government, at Westminster and Holyrood, have initiated a strong support pack for business. We acknowledge there requires further clarity as to how these are accessed and at pace, as well as support measures for our self-employed members who have been connecting with local Chambers. We are already calling for more support in this area on top of those announced last week.

Be assured, ICC and our fantastic Scottish Network are in daily contact with all agencies to ensure we have the most up to date information as possible for businesses. We have been inundated by local businesses looking for guidance and we will continue to support our local business community.

Like all businesses, ICC has focused on its contingency plans internally as a small business. We are in contact with our wider network, supporting one another while ensuring the issues raised by our membership are communicated daily to both the UK and Scottish Governments.

This situation has also forced many of us to implement different ways of working, different ways of communicating, while we do all we can to support and motivate our talented teams.

While business is of vital importance, most important is people’s health, and therefore I hope that all of you, your members and employees are heeding the advice to self-isolate. This must be a collective effort by us all.

Our virtual door continues to be open for our members and partners, but also to all businesses across Inverclyde and our regular updates to the local network will continue.

Please review all the pieces attached here and share with your peers so we can share the vital messages of support and clarity.

Gavin McDonagh

President; Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce

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