COVID-19 Strategic Framework – SCC Feedback To Scottish Government

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COVID-19 Strategic Framework – SCC Feedback To Scottish Government

Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network has been involved in providing insight and feedback on the Scottish Government’s new Strategic Framework, a new five-tiered system, which has increasing lockdown restrictions depending on the designated alert level.

As a Network, we galvanised quickly and were able to provide real-time feedback on our various calls with the Scottish Government.

SCC had a call with Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop yesterday afternoon, which was a constructive and open discussion.

SCC raised a number of issues of importance to the Network on the call, including:

  • Collaboration, Trust and Partnership between business and Government;
  • Business Support & the long-term plan for the economy;
  • Sector feedback including re-opening of offices, hospitality and tourism; and
  • Restrictions criteria, evidence-based & application of restrictions including levels, variations and differentiation.

As part of the call, SCC agreed to submit detailed feedback to the Cabinet Secretary. We incorporated the wide range of business feedback we received from the Network, through meetings, phone calls, emails and surveys. We are pleased to enclose the submission SCC has sent to the Cabinet Secretary.

In addition, SCC has also sent the submission to the Leaders of the other political parties; Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Labour, Scottish Lib Dems and Scottish Greens ahead of the parliamentary debate and vote on the strategic framework later today at the Scottish Parliament.

SCC is following the parliamentary debate (ongoing at the time of writing) and will issue a statement in response to the vote.

Read Submission

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