Funding: COVID-19 Cancellation Fund For Creative Freelancers

Covid In Scotland: Nightclubs To Close From 27th December
Funding: December And January Business Support Top Up

Funding: COVID-19 Cancellation Fund For Creative Freelancers

The Scottish Government has committed £8m for creative freelancers who have lost income following the cancellation of work that was due to take place in the period 27 November 2021 – 31 March 2022 as a consequence of COVID-19.

The fund offers a one-off award to those who are most deeply impacted and disadvantaged by the cancellation or postponement of activity because of the current emergency situation. This can include the cancellation or deferral of performances, productions, exhibitions, and shows from which freelancers would have received income. This fund will not replace income lost through cancellation but will provide a contribution to partially offset its adverse impact.

Freelancers can request between £500 and £2000 to help offset the financial impact of the cancellation of activity.

Applications will open at 2pm on Thursday 6 January 2022.

To assist those freelancers who are not able to apply immediately, or who may not be able to confirm their details at the time that the fund opens, Creative Scotland will administer the fund in two stages.  £4m will be made available when the fund goes live in January.  A further £4m will be made available later.

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