Green Freeports Prospectus Published

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Green Freeports Prospectus Published

A guide has been published for bidders who want to establish a Green Freeport in Scotland. The joint prospectus, published in partnership by the Scottish and UK Governments, sets out how the Green Freeports will regenerate local areas, create high-quality jobs and support transition to a net-zero economy.

Consortiums will have 12 weeks from today to assess the prospectus and prepare their bids, which will be assessed by officials working together from the UK and Scottish governments, with ministers having an equal say on the final selection.

Applicants who do not meet the requirements as set out in the prospectus will not be deemed acceptable bidders to establish Green Free Ports.

Applicants must demonstrate how fair work – creating better jobs and improved wages – will be embedded across the Green Freeport and how they will advance decarbonisation and a just transition to a net-zero economy.

It is expected that the successful Green Freeport locations will be announced in early autumn 2022, beginning operations in spring 2023.

Economy Secretary Kate Forbes said:

“This joint prospectus recognises the distinct needs of Scotland’s economy by clearly setting out how any bids to establish Green Freeports in Scotland must help to deliver net-zero ambitions and embed fair work practices.

“Earlier this month I published a new national strategy to help transform the economy. This included clear commitments that will help create good quality green jobs, deliver fairer working conditions, secure our just transition to net-zero and grow international markets that bring new supply chain benefits to all of Scotland. Green Freeports will be an important vehicle to help deliver these ambitions.”

Secretary of State for Levelling Up Michael Gove MP said:  

“I’m proud that today we have launched the bidding process for Green Freeports. They are a key part of our levelling up agenda, and will bring jobs and prosperity to the successful areas. 

“We have worked closely with the Scottish Government to ensure that Green Freeports support their transition to the Net Zero economy and help to regenerate local areas.

“I am excited to see the innovative proposals come forward, and these Green Freeports built so they can start to deliver for the people of Scotland.”

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