ICC Cancels Its Cracking Christmas Get Together

SCC Reaction To First Minister’s Covid-19 Briefing
SCC Responds To Scottish Government COVID-19 Update

ICC Cancels Its Cracking Christmas Get Together

Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce has taken the difficult decision to cancel its Christmas event this Thursday.

Mark Spragg, President of the Chamber, said “It is really disappointing to have to take this step. With the new guidance urging that Christmas parties be cancelled it would not be appropriate for us to go ahead. We take this decision however with a very heavy heart.

“The hospitality sector, and those working within it, are once again taking the economic brunt of the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic and we would urge the Scottish government to urgently look at ways to provide additional help and assistance to the sector.

“But the impact goes beyond the immediate impact on one sector.

“Business grows, develops, and learns through formal and informal networks. Events such as this allow businesses to connect, strengthening existing business relationships and creating new ones.

“Whilst the impact of one event is hard to measure, the continued impact on business networks to the economy will, we believe, be significant in the longer term leading to lower growth and employment in the economy.”

If you are a business in the hospitality sector impacted by the new guidance on Christmas parties and would like to discuss the issues your business is facing, seek guidance or provide input for our discussions with the Scottish Government please contact our team at admin@inverclydechamber.co.uk.

The team at Inverclyde Chamber will be fully refunding all prepaid reservations over the coming days.

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