ICC Celebrates Successful Inaugural Virtual Trade Mission To Colombia

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Business Round-Up – 21 June 2021

ICC Celebrates Successful Inaugural Virtual Trade Mission To Colombia

L-R: ICC Executive Assistant, Heather Maclaurin, CEO George McKay and International Lead, Diana Peralta

Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) much-anticipated inaugural trade mission to Colombia has been hailed as a resounding success.

The mission, which took place on 2nd June 2021, saw ICC lead the Scottish Chamber network’s first official mission to South America, welcoming businesses from across Scotland, with companies in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Highlands, Glasgow and Inverclyde all taking part in the 40 strong delegation.

British Ambassador to Colombia, Colin Martin-Reynolds, who was very supportive of the mission, opened the event before passing to Department of International Trade Director, Richard Rollison at The Scottish Government who highlighted the desire and opportunities available for Scottish and Colombian businesses to collaborate.

The event was also supported by Paula Ospina at PROCOLOMBIA and Carolina Hoyos Delgado at Invest in Bogota, both event partners and provided an excellent overview of the current Colombian market and opportunities.

Attendees were also provided time to share and promote their own business as well as network with other delegates, to create new connections and business opportunities.

Oliver Wack at Control Risks and Michael Boken at Proximotec added additional insights into Colombia, providing both an economic and current Covid-19 overview for attendees.

New ICC President, Mark Spragg said:

“This was an outstanding online event, superbly organised and of great value and interest to the delegates who are keen to expand their export opportunities.

“We were delighted to be joined by the British Ambassador to Colombia as well as the Scottish Government, signalling the importance of the event and support for Inverclyde Chamber.

“Special thanks must also go to the Scottish Chambers of Commerce for their continued support and collaboration.

“Inverclyde Chamber sees great opportunities for local businesses to trade internationally and we look forward to providing further missions for companies to grow.”

The mission was created and led by ICC’s lead Diana Peralta, herself a proud Colombian, and was supported by Michael Phillips at BritCham Colombia who provided support for the event.

Reflecting on the successful mission, Diana said:

“It was an honour to support the first South American mission for Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce and it was clear from the event the opportunities available in Colombia.

“This is a great springboard for the Chamber to further develop our international programme, and we look forward to announcing further opportunities for local and Scottish businesses.”

Inverclyde Chamber is currently reviewing all of the feedback from the event and intends to announce future International Trade Missions in the coming weeks.

For further information for trade opportunities. contact ICC’s Diana Peralta.

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