ICC Hosts Business and Skills Minister for Virtual Roundtable Event

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ICC Hosts Business and Skills Minister for Virtual Roundtable Event

Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills, was Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) guest speaker at its recent virtual roundtable event on Tuesday 12th January 2021.

The intimate online event was an opportunity for local businesses to hear an update from the Minister but more importantly to share their own first-hand experiences and thoughts on moving forward to ensure the sustainable recovery of the economy.

In his opening remarks, Mr Hepburn addressed the difficulties faced by businesses in Inverclyde, given its status as one of the worst affected areas during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the steps already taken by Scottish Government to support businesses throughout the crisis.

The Minister continued to give an overview of the challenges faced by the Scottish Government in restarting the economy, and the importance of the funding announcements reaching businesses quickly.

Reflecting on the various issues raised by Inverclyde Businesses, Mr Hepburn said:

“I welcomed this opportunity to speak to Inverclyde businesses to explore how the Scottish Government can work collaboratively with them towards a sustainable economic recovery. 

“I also received valuable insights into how the Covid-19 crisis has impacted on businesses in the area and got feedback on the support measures introduced in response.

“I would like to thank George McKay and his members for taking part.”

George McKay, CEO of ICC, chaired the discussion between Mr Hepburn and several Inverclyde-based businesses who raised concerns regarding the Clyde Mission Fund, flooding on the A8, regeneration within Inverclyde, investment in the local area, mental health in the workplace, home working and schooling and youth employment.

George said:

“It was fantastic to welcome the Minister to ICC’s virtual roundtable and we appreciate both his time and enthusiasm in listening to feedback from Inverclyde businesses.

“The attendees made clear the current challenges that both businesses and the general public locally face in Inverclyde and this was a good opportunity to share these.

“Inverclyde Chamber continues to provide opportunities for businesses to have their voice heard at a national level and will continue to champion and advocate for our membership and the local business community.”

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