Inverclyde Chamber and Inverclyde Council Respond To Confirmation of CV19 Restrictions

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Inverclyde Chamber and Inverclyde Council Respond To Confirmation of CV19 Restrictions


Following confirmation of the areas and tier levels as set out in the Scottish Government’s strategic framework for managing the coronavirus crisis, Inverclyde Chamber together with Inverclyde Council has co-signed an open statement to the Scottish government about the framework, its application and what the area expects and needs now.

This includes:

  • Placing Inverclyde into Level 2 at the nearest possible review point. If the Scottish Government believes this is not possible, given the urgency of the challenging economic situation and declining prevalence of the virus in the area, it should set out an indicative date for when Inverclyde will be able to move into Level 2 immediately.
  • In the short term, businesses in areas moving between levels need to be alerted as soon as possible to allow them to prepare for any further scheduling. We encourage Government to continue to engage with us through the dedicated Task Force formed from within the local Business Resilience Group that was set in response to Covid-19. We are calling for clarity around any weekly reviews and how changes are notified to those affected.
  • The Scottish Government must work alongside local authorities and business to develop a more ambitious forward-looking pathway to sustainably re-open all sectors of the economy in the months ahead and allow us to build towards recovery.
  • A refreshed route map should be created which focuses on resolving some of the key challenges which are creating severe economic harm. In particular, this should address the safe re-opening of offices, put forward practical solutions and timescales to allow leisure and corporate travel to resume, and set out steps to work with the hospitality sector to ease restrictions which are putting businesses at severe risk.

The open statement was signed by Gavin McDonagh, Inverclyde Chamber President and Stephen McCabe, Leader of Inverclyde Council and can be viewed here.

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